K-FORCE Training Visit at Aalborg University, April 3rd – April 17th, 2019
The trainee involved in this mobility was Dr. Mirjana Laban, Associated Professor at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia.
This is the official site of ERASMUS+ project, entitled: Knowledge FOr Resilient soCiEty, Project no 573942-EPP-1-2016-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.
This project has been funded with support from European Commission, within ERASMUS + programme.
Implementation of 6 Master Programmes in 3 WB Countries brings important strategic, pedagogic, and practical challenges, particularly when legislative and educational structures differ. The work is demanding and time-consuming and there is need for support in order to be able to create programmes that are well-integrated and have highest quality...
Implementation of new PhD programme should contribute to sustainability of all other Disaster Risk Management and Fire Safety Egineering master programs in region. These PhD students will become the future teachers and professors at the all three levels of DRM&FSE Study Programs and LLL courses....
The main objective is to provide continuous professional development of employees in Disaster Risk Management and Fire Safety Engineering sector in Western Balkans countries through creation and implementation of certified LLL courses for practitioners. Continuing education will be open to everyone who fulfils the admission requirements.....
The trainee involved in this mobility was Dr. Mirjana Laban, Associated Professor at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia.
Prof. Dr. Damir Zenunović, from the Faculty of Mining Geology and Civil Engineering, University of Tuzla, has developed a teaching activity within Erasmus+ program K-FORCE project, in the period from 21st April until 26th April 2019, within the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering at EPOKA University.
Dr. Lars Schiøtt Sørensen, from Technical University of Denmark, has developed a teaching activity within Erasmus+ program K-FORCE project, in the period from 12th May until 17th May 2019, within the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering at EPOKA University.
The members of K-FORCE PMT and representatives of K-FORCE Steering Committee had a meeting with project External evaluator, Prof. dr Milos Knezevic from University of Montenegro.
The meeting was held on 24th of April, at Higher Education Technical School in Novi Sad premises. The topic of the meeting was project documentation analysis and control. The project team gratefully accepted the advisory comments from Prof. Knezevic.
The Faculty of Architecture and Engineering in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering is organizing a two days training in the field of Disaster Risk Management and Fire Safety Engineering.
Marijana Lazarevska, PhD, Assist. Prof. at Civil Engineering Faculty, Skopje, Macedonia has developed teaching activity at University of Tuzla; Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering during period 15th to 19th April 2019, within Erasmus+ K-FORCE Project.
The topic covered by lectures was “RISK MANAGEMENT OF INVESTMENT PROJECTS” and teaching activity is organized in the framework of Master study program "Disaster Risk Management and Fire Safety Engineering".
As part of the K-FORCE project mobility training program for staff members, a training visit was arranged at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), from March 25 to April 4, 2019.