The University of Banja Luka - UBL (, established in 1975, is the second largest in BH, with more than 18,500 students. It consists of 16 faculties and has 137 licensed study programs at all three cycles, fully commuted to the idea of a borderless area for research and knowledge exchange in Europe. Besides of an excellent location and own facilities, UBL has other competitive capabilities, including about 1,000 research active staff for teaching and research excellence and 450 administrative staff members.
UBL staff has been involved in 89 Tempus projects, several FP6 projects and FP7 projects, as well as in Erasmus Mundus projects. Also, UBL is involved in 4 Erasmus+ Capacity building projects and 10 Erasmus+ credit mobility projects. The other international projects were financed by: the European Commission, the Council of Europe, United Nations, the World Bank, governments of several states.
UBL is bound by more than 200 bilateral agreements on cooperation with public and private universities from all over the world.

The Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy performs educational and research activities. It consists of three departments: Architecture Program, Civil Engineering Program and Geodesy Program. There are around 1000 students involved in the study programs. At the moment, Faculty and its researchers are involved in four international research projects (two Tempus projects, one ERASMUS+ and one HERD project). There are several curriculums offering thematic areas related to the risk of catastrophic events and fire (Civil Engineering study program, primarily through courses which belong to Department of Materials and Structures, Department of geotechnical engineering, Department of hydraulic engineering).